Labels:bulletin board | sky | slide projector | trade name OCR: Traditional Mpoom Pressure Treated Lumber (PTL) The most common chemical usec to treat Iumber callec copper arsenare Copper arid arsenic are both toxic clifferent tvpes organisms that attack wooC chromium helns bond the copper the wood prevent Jeachino CCA binds WooC fibers very well and allows Wood asi decaces even when TT S in contact with the crounc he protection provided the chemical depends on the amount of chemical the wood absorbs In the United states the amount of chemical measurec in pounds of chemical per cubic foot of wood For crounc contact 0.40 pounds per cubic foot IS neecec For foundations, 0.60 pounds per cubic foot S the standard. The chemicais intreated are generally Tot goodfo humans This why vou see warnincs advisinc vou weat glov avoic 4 eathinc the sawcust anc refrain ...